Chengguo Weng
University of Waterloo
In the publication list below, authorship by graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are respectively marked by (*) and (**). A pre-published version can be found for most of my recent papers on my SSRN PAGE.
(Most preprints can be distributed at request)
Jiang R., Saunders, D., Weng, C. (2020). The reinforcement learning Kelly strategy.
Jiang R., Weng, C. (2020). Climate change risk and agriculture-related stocks. SSRN
Shen, Z.*, Weng, C. (2020). A backward simulation method for stochastic optimal control problems. arXiv
Guo, D.*, Phelim B., Weng, C., Wirjanto, T.S. (2020). Age matters. SSRN
Guo, D.*, Phelim B., Weng, C., Wirjanto, T.S. (2019). When does the 1/N rule work? SSRN
Guo, D.*, Phelim B., Weng, C., Wirjanto, T.S. (2019). Eigen portfolio selection: A robust approach to Sharpe ratio maximization. SSRN
Guo, D.*, Weng, C., Wirjanto, T.S. (2018). Sample eigenvalues adjustment for portfolio performance improvement under factor models.
Zhang, J.*, Tan, K.S., Weng, C. (2021+). Optimal dynamic longevity hedge with basis risk. European Journal of Operational Research, in press. SSRN
Diao, L., Meng, Y., Weng, C. (2021+). A DSA algorithm for mortality forecasting. Accepted by North American Actuarial Journal.
Lin, H.*, Saunders, D., Weng, C. (2021). Mean-expectile portfolio selection. Applied Mathematics and Optimization 83, 1585–1612.
Neuman, E., Schied, A., Weng.,C., Xue, X. (2020). A central bank strategy for defending a currency target zone. Accepted by Systems & Control Letters Volume 144, October 2020, 104761.
Lin, H.*, Saunders, D., Weng, C. (2020). BSDE approach to utility maximization with square-root factor processes. Operations Research Letters 48(2), 130-135.
Shen, Z.*, Weng, C. (2020). Pricing bounds and bang-bang analysis of the Polaris variable annuities. Quantitative Finance 20(1), 147-171.
Shen, Z.*, Liu, Y., Weng, C. (2019). Nonparametric inference for VaR, CTE and expectile with high-order precision. The North American Actuarial Journal 23(3), 364-385.
Lin, H.*, Saunders, D., Weng, C. (2019). Portfolio optimization with performance ratios. International Journal of Theoretical and Applied Finance 22(5), 1-38.
Chen S., Liu, Y., Weng, C., (2019). Dynamic risk-sharing game and reinsurance contract design. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 86, 216-231.
Zhang, J., Tan, K.S., Weng, C. (2019). Index insurance design. ASTIN Bulletin 49(2), 491-523.
Diao, L., Weng, C. (2019). Regression tree credibility model. The North American Actuarial Journal 23(2), 169-196. R-codes for numerical examples of the paper:
Xue, X.*, Wei, P.*, Weng, C. (2019). Derivatives trading for insurers. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 84, 40-53.
Xue, X.*, Zhang, J.*, Weng, C. (2019). Mean-variance hedging with basis risk. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 35(3), 704-716.
Wu, H., Weng, C., Zeng, Y. (2018). Equilibrium consumption and portfolio decisions with stochastic discount rate and time-varying utility functions. OR Spectrum 40(2), 541–582.
Zhang, J.*, Tan, K.S., Weng, C. (2017). Optimal hedging with basis risk under mean-variance criterion. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 75, 1-15.
Weng, C., Zhuang, S.C.**, (2017). CDF formulation for solving an optimal reinsurance problem. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2017 (5), 395-418.
Han, D.*, Tan, K.S., Weng, C., (2017). Vine copula models with GLM and sparsity. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 46(13), 6358-6381.
Lin, H.*, Saunders, D., Weng, C., (2017). Optimal investment strategies for participating contracts. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 73, 137-155.
Weng, C., Porth, L., Tan K.S., and Samaratunga, R.*, (2017). Modelling the sustainability of the Canadian crop insurance program: A reserve fund process under a public-private partnership model. Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance - Issues and Practices 42(2), 226-246.
Sun, H.*, Weng, C., Zhang, Y., (2017). Optimal multivariate quota-share reinsurance: A nonparametric mean-CVaR framework. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 72, 197-214.
Zhao, H., Weng, C., Shen, Y., Zeng, Y., (2016). Time-consistent investment-reinsurance strategies towards joint interests of the insurer and the reinsurer under CEV models. Science China Mathematics 60(2), 317-344.
Cai, J., Weng, C., (2016). Optimal reinsurance with expectile. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2016(7), 624-645.
Zhuang, S. C., Weng, C., Tan, K.S., Assa, H., (2015). Marginal indemnification function formulation for optimal reinsurance. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 67, 65-76.
Zhu, Y.*, Chi, Y., Weng, C., (2014). Multivariate reinsurance designs for minimizing an insurer’s capital requirement. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 59, 144-155.
Tan, K.S., Weng, C., (2014). Empirical approach for optimal reinsurance design. North American Actuarial Journal 18(2), 315-342.
Huang, W., Weng, C., Zhang, Y., (2014). Multivariate risk models under heavy-tailed risks. Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry 30(3), 341-360.
Cong, J.*, Tan, K.S., Weng, C., (2014). Conditional value-at-risk-based optimal partial hedging. The Journal of Risk 16(3), 49-83.
Huang S.-H., Pang, T.-X., Weng, C., (2014). Limit theory for moderate deviations from a unit root with possibly heavy-tailed innovations. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 16(1), 187-206.
Weng, C., (2013). Constant proportion portfolio insurance under regime switching exponential Lévy process. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 52(3), 508-521.
Chi, Y., Weng, C., (2013). Optimal reinsurance subject to Vajda condition. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 53(1), 179-189.
Porth, L., Tan, K.S., Weng, C., (2013). Optimal reinsurance analysis from a crop insurer’s perspective. Agricultural Finance Review 73(2), 310-328.
Weng, C., Zhang, Y., Tan, K.S., (2013). Tail behavior of Poisson shot noise processes under heavy-tailed shocks and actuarial applications. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 15(3), 655-682.
Cong, J.*, Tan, K.S., Weng, C., (2013). VaR-based optimal partial hedging. ASTIN Bulletin 43(3), 271-299.
Weng, C., Zhang, Y., (2012). Characterization of multivariate heavy-tailed distribution families via copula. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 106, 178-186.
Tan, K.S., Weng, C., (2012). Enhancing insurer value using reinsurance and Value-at-Risk criterion. The Geneva Risk and Insurance Review 37(1), 109-140.
Tan, K.S., Weng, C., Zhang, Y. (2011). Optimality of general reinsurance contracts under CTE risk measure. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 49(2), 175-187.
2010 and earlier
Tan, K.S., Weng, C., Zhang, Y., (2009). VaR and CTE criteria for optimal quota-share and stop-loss reinsurance. North American Actuarial Journal 13(4), 450-482.
Weng, C., Zhang, Y., Tan, K.S., (2009). Ruin probabilities in a discrete time risk model with dependent risks of heavy tail. Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 2009(3), 205-218.
Zhang, Y., Shen, X.*, Weng, C., (2009). Approximation of the tail probability of randomly weighted sums and applications. Stochastic Process and their Applications 119(2), 655-675.
Cai, J., Tan, K.S., Weng, C., Zhang, Y., (2008). Optimal reinsurance under VaR and CTE risk measures. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 43(1), 185-196.
Zhang, Y., Weng, C., (2006). An application of the α-power approximation in multiple life insurance. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 38(1), 98-112.
Zhang, Y., Weng, C., (2006). On the correlation order. Statistics and Probability Letters 76, 1410-1416.
Zhang, Y., Lin, Z., Weng, C., (2006). Some limiting properties on the bounds of present value functions of a life insurance portfolio. Journal of Applied Probability 43(4), 1155-1164.
Unpublished (forever)
Weng, C., (2015). Developing Analytic Formulae of Risk and Reward Measures for Discrete-Time CPPI with Regime Switching and Transaction Cost, 28 pages. PDF